artist’s statement

Roza oil paintings

I use oil painting to express universal values. Joy, beauty and human relationships shown through a fascination with what is widely understood as “oddity” – an aspect that, at the same time, can be noble, thrilling, strange or inconvenient. I create a dialogue about stereotypes and identity by underlining that every single one of us is different… and, that it is a good thing.

I depict the nude body because of its timelessness, intimacy and ability to send a universal message. There is nothing shameless nor awkward about it. I return to its roots using my beloved visual quotations from the history of culture, and at the same time striving to revive the tradition of good craftsmanship.

I try to not give ready answers but rather invite to observe what he/she may find important, create a puzzle for the receiver and thereby provoke thoughts and feelings. I believe in viewers’ intelligence and creativity, as imagination is our most powerful force. We are what we imagine – so let’s imagine only what is good and beautiful. And, what others see in us, is a matter of their own imagination, because the mind can not exist without the heart and vice versa.

I believe that the main indicator of pure art is that it moves the senses, forcefully striking ones soul…

I hope to strike yours!
